The Art of Scamming – Know the Tell Tale Signs and Never Part With Your Hard Earned Money Again!

In reality, we can’t be bothered with such issues until we are hit by them. get scam refund But again, it will be too late by the time you discovered that you had parted with your hard earned money to some stranger who gave you empty promises. Do yourself a big favor by educating yourself and your loved ones. It is very sad to see old people being scammed of their life savings, don’t ever allow yourself or your kin to end up like them.

So what are the tell tale signs that you should take note of? Here are 7 tips to deal with the common scamming tricks. While the ways of scamming that scammers used keep changing and becoming more complex, these tips offered here should provide a safety net against the common tricks these evil people used to repeatedly scam innocent people.

Look out for irregular fonts and capitalizing of fonts in the message, be it emails, letters…etc Look out for these especially when you received them on line as scammers tend to copy, cut and paste from somewhere to create and make their message sound legitimate.

When there is an error, it can be due to carelessness on the clerk who typed that letter or email. However, business people are very prudent with what they sent out in their letters and emails as it can become a legal issue if there are misunderstandings, and also it does not reflect well on the company image and professionalism. Look out for language inconsistency and grammatical errors in the message you received.

Check the email address of that person who sent you that mail. Established business have a business email, they will not send you messages through free private email accounts. Common sense should have told you that when you register your particulars for your business, you can’t scammed or you will be traced back when there is a legal complain lodged against you since you are required by law to provide your particulars when you register a company for tax and other purposes.

What ever the text of message is about, always be sure to check the proof of their claims on no matter what topics or items they are telling you. Are the claims of the message backed by any proof? Did the claim appear in the media? If nothing is found, do not fall for such tricks as there is always a higher probability of being cheated if it is not released by the media and most are plain scams out there to con your money away.

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