When you apply for a cloned credit cards for sale, one of the factors that come most into play in whether or not you are approved is your credit rating. That’s a fact that most people know well, but if you’re wondering exactly how your credit rating actually affects you when you apply for a credit card, read on to learn more.
1. Your credit rating may rule you out for many credit card offers.
Right from the top, your credit rating could rule you out of some top credit card UK offers. Every credit card company in the UK has a number of different credit offerings, each designed for a different market segment. The top offers with low APR and high rewards are generally reserved for those with higher income and excellent credit histories.
2. A high credit rating will qualify you for more credit card offers than a low credit rating.
The higher your credit rating, the more likely it is that you’ll be approved when you apply for a credit card. If you have excellent credit, have lived in the same place for more than three years, have worked for the same employer for at least two years, and have a history of handling credit responsibly, take the time to scan all the credit card offers at moneyeverything.com to find the one that offers you the most value.
3. Your credit rating affects the APR that you are offered.
The ‘typical APR’ that’s listed by most credit card UK companies is the rate that they must offer to at least 2 of every three customers that they approve for that credit card product. When you apply for a credit card, you have one chance in three of being offered a card with a higher APR than that advertised. The lower your credit rating, the greater the chance that you’ll be approved at a higher APR than the typical rate.
4. You can affect your credit rating before you apply for a credit card in order to qualify for a lower APR.
If you suspect that your credit rating is in the middle ranges because you’ve missed a few payments here and there, or been late once or twice, there are ways to raise your credit rating BEFORE you apply for a credit card. Pay down the balance on some of your credit cards, or reduce the number of credit cards you already have for best effect.
5. It works both ways. Your credit card application can affect your credit rating.
Every time you apply for a credit card or a loan of any sort, it puts a tick against your credit rating. If the number of ticks is excessive, or if you apply for many credit cards all at once, it can lower your credit rating and make it harder for you to get a good credit card with a low APR when you really want it.
The best advice you’ll ever get is to check your credit rating BEFORE you apply for a credit card so that you can apply for those credit cards for which you are most likely to be approved. Take the time to research credit cards so that you’re sure of getting the best credit card for your purposes.